Welcome to Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust

Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust is the first national supporter of patients with Thyroid Cancer.

As a group dedicated solely to the support of patients with Thyroid Cancer we can offer fellow thyroid cancer patients who wish to join us the following:

  • Use of the dedicated helpline to speak to someone who has had the disease.
  • E-mail and telephone contact with group members to share experiences
  • A "buddy" to help you through the stages of surgery, Radioiodine treatment and follow up
  • Access to reliable up-to-date written information about the disease
  • Access to a group member in clinic at the Northern Centre for Cancer Care (NCCC), Freeman Hospital

Please leave a message on our answer phone and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Email: amy@butterfly.org.uk

Scan our QR code to donate today!

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Your Treatment Journey

Thyroid Cancer has an 80-90% cure rate. Find out about the steps you might take in your journey towards recovery.

About Thyroid Cancer

Learn about the different types of Thyroid Cancer, and which types of treatments are available to patients.

I131 Treatment

Useful information regarding Radioiodine (I131) treatment.

Thyroid Cancer Forum 2016

Butterfly hosted the first ever UK Patient/Doctor Thyroid Cancer Forum on 5th December 2016 in London.

Click one of the links below to watch a video of the event.

Thyroid Cancer Patient Information DVD

To view full film please click here or scan the QR code below.
If you'd prefer a DVD, please email us.

Do you have progressed or advanced thyroid cancer? Watch the trailer for ‘ Christine’s Story - living with advanced thyroid cancer

To view the full film please click here

Watch our film “ The Butterfly Effect” to learn how Butterfly began

Our latest patient information film: My Thyroid and Me: A Young Person's Cancer Story.

new dvd

Latest News

We are delighted to share our latest patient information film with you: Molly, my thyroid and me, a young persons cancer story. Our film will address the gap in patient information for teenagers and young people with thyroid cancer. Miss Alison Waghorn, Consultant Thyroid Cancer Surgeon and President of BAETS says: Thank you for letting […]


We are delighted to welcome Rebecca as a patient support contact for parents .Rebecca’s daughter Molly was 12 when she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer ,we have just completed our latest film about Molly ,it will be available soon !


Are you receiving treatment for Thyroid Cancer in Scotland? Please complete our joint survey with the BTF, we need as many responses as possible please which will be fed back to the Scottish Thyroid  Cancer Network to help identify any gaps in care. Many thanks!  https://www.btf-thyroid.org/news/thyroid-cancer-survey-for-scottish-patients



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His Grace the Duke of Northumberland
Dr.C.Harmer F.R.C.P. F.R.C.R
Prof .Markus Luster (Germany)
Dr.M.Tuttle MD (USA)


Kate Farnell M.B.E.


Dr J. Wadsley FRCR


Dr A Horton BSc MD


Mr.R Bliss FRCS
Mr.F.W.Stafford F.R.C.S
Mr J Salter
Mr.D.J.Farnell Bsc
Mrs R Newton


We are delighted that Nikita will be presenting our new film about teenage thyroid cancer at the World Congress in Boston in July 🦋😊

"It is a privilege to present this important film on behalf of the BTCT at the World Congress of Thyroid Cancer”


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